I met a woman yesterday who, like myself, is allergic to sulpha(sulfa) drugs and sulphites(sulfites).
I was told years ago that there was no connection. It was a pharmacist who told me this so I
am trusting that what he told me was the truth, or perhaps the truth as he knew it at the time.
I am now beginning to wonder if there is something missing here, some connection between the two as
this woman I met yesterday is the third person in THREE WEEKS that has told me the same thing.
I am doing some research to find out what I can. In the meantime, if you have an allergy to either
sulpha drugs(antibiotics) or sulphites you may want to consider being careful of the other. If you
have a severe, life-threatening allergy you should consult your doctor.
FYI: Here's some quick info. about the differences between sulfites, sulfa, sulphur, sulfates:
Enjoy the simple things,
do your best to be free of toxins, unhealthy attachments & negativity,
living your life deeply and with much love.
All is well.