Monday, August 15, 2011


Monday, May 2, 2011

Self-Trust Inspiration Course - Part 1 of 10

I have serendipitously ended up on a site created by Jennifer Louden and signed up for a Self-Trust Inspiration Course. Why? Well, it feels like a nice time for someone to guide me along for a bit. 

If you would like to join me I will post all 10 as I get them.
(For more about each email inspiration you can go to Jennifer's site at )

Today's Simple Self-Trust Action: 

The next time you find yourself saying, "I can't handle this" or "I don't know what to do," exhale fully. Really exhale. Then, as you inhale, remind yourself you have handled everything that life has brought to you. Not perfectly, not always admirably, but you are still here, aren't you? Thus you handled it.

Then ask, "If I believed I could handle this and I did know what I wanted to do, what would I choose right now?"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weather changes and joint pain

The weather around here has been unstable to say the least in the last few weeks.  Low pressure, high pressure, low pressure, thunderstorms, lightning, rain, tornado warnings, low pressure, high pressure.  I found myself wondering about why my neck aches when the weather changes.  Most of us can say that we have something that aches, or some change that we feel in our bodies when the weather changes....maybe before it rains or something like that.  I wondered why, what specifically is going on and is there anything I can do to minimize the effects.  As always, there's lots to be found on the net, but this article was most helpful.  As a result I guess I'm not planning to move to Arizona afterall :)

But does the weather actually affect arthritis? If so, how?

First, there hasn't been much real research science. In 1961, a famous arthritis specialist, J. Hollander M.D., conducted a study in which he built a climate chamber and demonstrated that high humidity combined with low barometric pressure were associated with increased joint pain and stiffness. Neither weather factor by itself seemed to influence joint symptoms. The study has been criticized because of the limited number of patients evaluated (12 patients). The theory of the study is that inflamed joints swell as the barometric pressure drops. This swelling irritates the nerves around the joints that sense pain and causes more stiffness.
Well, if this theory proved correct (and it is not universally accepted), should a person with arthritis move to a region with a dry climate?

The answer is no. Relocating to a different climatic environment does not seem to make a difference in the long run. Scientific studies have shown that no matter where people live their bodies seem to establish a new equilibrium to the local climate. As a result, changes in the weather affect the arthritis symptoms in the same manner regardless of the actual overall average weather. Moving is not likely to be beneficial long term. (To emphasize a point, I can tell you that there are plenty of busy rheumatologists in Arizona!)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


In light of recent(and on-going) hateful, derogatory & divisive actions, words & offensive behavior by the Westboro Baptist Ch...Group I would just like to say JWDT - Jesus Wouldn't Do That.

Join in this creative movement against this hate group :) 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sulfite and sulfa drug allergies - is there a connection?

I met a woman yesterday who, like myself, is allergic to sulpha(sulfa) drugs and sulphites(sulfites).
I was told years ago that there was no connection.  It was a pharmacist who told me this so I
am trusting that what he told me was the truth, or perhaps the truth as he knew it at the time.

I am now beginning to wonder if there is something missing here, some connection between the two as
this woman I met yesterday is the third person in THREE WEEKS that has told me the same thing.

I am doing some research to find out what I can.  In the meantime, if you have an allergy to either
sulpha drugs(antibiotics) or sulphites you may want to consider being careful of the other.  If you
have a severe, life-threatening allergy you should consult your doctor.

FYI: Here's some quick info. about the differences between sulfites, sulfa, sulphur, sulfates:

Enjoy the simple things,
do your best to be free of toxins, unhealthy attachments & negativity,
living your life deeply and with much love.

All is well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where have I bean?

I cannot believe that my last post was November 26th of last year!  I refuse to believe that time goes that quickly.  Seriously? It's been almost 2 months! I shudder to think of what I have, or rather, have not, accomplished during that time in my quest for simple free living.  Perhaps I need to reflect and find if I've made any advances, had any insights, reached any small goals.....if, indeed, I did anything this last two months!  My mind is suddenly blank! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Okay. Let's be calm. Let's recap.

Cupboards - yes, they are complete - only stocking essentials that are organic, preservative free &/or contain one ingredient..... okay, that's not totally true because there are some products that continue to be on the grocery list as per my family's requests - potato chips....okay, I blame my family, but that's an out and out lie because:

I secretly love potato chips! 
I use every excuse to include these as part of my healthy food regime - with a healthy wrap perhaps? They are made of potatoes, I rationalize.
I need to stop eating potato chips.

Tortilla chips.  Healthier than potato chips, I convince myself, as I use them as a side with my chili.
I need to stop eating tortilla chips.

Non-organic/non-homemade cereal.  I will allow these to stay in the cupboard for my family as I am not tempted to eat them, therefore, there's no problem here.  I will continue to let my family know that the homemade oatmeal or granola is the healthiest alternative should they so choose - they eat pretty healthy, probably better than me most days, so no problem.  The "treat" cereal stays.

Wait.  I have made progress in a big way this last two months!
I have two kinds of beans on the counter soaking. Yes!!
One of my goals has been to make the switch from canned beans(containing additives other than beans) to just beans, that is, dried beans.  I cut out information about beans out of a magazine and posted it in my cupboard, well, about two months ago.  It's a quick reference guide to beans and rice.  Today is the first day I looked at it and actually used it.  The beans have been soaking long enough and are ready to be rinsed, drained and to go in the pot for simmering.

Thank you Neighborhood Co-op for the reference guide and for the organic dried beans.

Do a quick google search and find a bean guide that you can put in your cupboard.  You have two months, apparently, to complete this task and begin using it. :)

Here's a link to get you started:

Guide to Beans |

Guide to Beans |