Friday, November 26, 2010

Flax, flaxseed oil & breast cancer

Okay, so I've given up numbering the days for the title of my blog post.

~ what if I want to post two blogs in one day?
~ what if I don't post anything for days(the more likely scenario)
~ what if I can't remember what day the last post was & I have to keep looking
    back at my posts to know the correct get my drift.

Thus, from now on the post title will be according to the content....what a novel
idea, I know! 

I figure that I'm also taking the pressure off of you to follow the days....

Oh, I didn't do Day 1 so can I do Day 6?
Wait, Day 7 isn't anything to do so should I go back and do a day that had something to do?
What if I don't like Day 4, can I go back to Day 1?
Where's Day 11!?
It shouldn't be so complicated!

It's not.  Read whatever day you like from now on.
The titles are on the right if you'd like to go back and
see if there's anything you're interested in.

Today's post is about recent(for over a decade now) information about the relationship
between flax, flaxseed oil(also called linseed oil) and breast cancer(also, some other cancers).
There is so much to tell you I don't know where to begin so I will end here:
I've listed a few links that may be of interest to you but please do your own research as well.  I have included three reputable sources with no alterior motives(e.g. want to sell you something) and who have scientific backing for their medical opinions:

Good luck.  Be well.  Take good care of yourself.  Enjoy this day!

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